My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 3

Ok for Being Run Over by a Bus Another day, another day with covid. Still not terrible. I’m more exhausted today. Some slight congestion in my right lung. Feeling like I need to surround myself with a giant electric blanket and put it on some toaster setting. So about how I expected to feel on Day 3. Ironically still no fever. I think my body has forgotten how to keep my temperature even up to normal. Last night I did more mindless things as I tried to stay awake more. The good news is that the mindless task I choose was working on my massive bookmark collection. With all the research I do and having a very poor memory, bookmarks …

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Chasing Down a Covid Test

Looks like America Has Forgotten the Pandemic OK, I have covid. I am positive and doing ok. Now the next thing is to make sure my lovely bride of 45 years is also ok. We needed that especially since tomorrow she is to go do her duty as Gigi, babysitter to the two greatest grandchildren on earth. Yeah, I’m just a little biased. So logically we have been trying to get her a test. This should be the easiest thing about this disease at this juncture. Should be. But of course, nothing is ever easy. It’s like the world has declared the pandemic is over. At first, I thought it was easy. I got my wife an appointment at the …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 2

Ah, the Aches of it all Tired, coughing, slight intermittent fever, and exhaustion. Yep, day 2 of my personal covid adventure. Just as I suspected. Last night wasn’t too bad. Of course, how would I really know? All I did was sleep thanks to half a dose of Nyquil, which is all I’m allowed to take. Too much of a risk for me according to my doctors. So I for once follow their advice – a hard thing for me to do, especially when I feel like shit. But I’m still thankful. As I tell everyone, “I’m pumped up, motivated, psyched up, never had a bad day in my life.” And the days with covid are no different. Nor were …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 1 – Tag I’m It

My Turn for Covid After spending a long time working on covid statistics and analyzing where it is all headed, it finally came to me. Unfortunately, not the answer as to when this pandemic will finally end. Not at all. Oh, how I wish. What came to me was a positive covid test. It is finally my turn for covid. Of course, until now I’ve been fortunate and lucky. Or as my friends and family have said – I’m just too stubborn to get sick. I have taken care of my wife who had covid and didn’t get it. I was around different family members who had covid and didn’t get it. And I have survived too many others wandering …

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Love the Way My Granddaughter Thinks

If only we could all be this way Yesterday was another crazy day in the life of a grandparent. With the joys of being privileged enough to have one, my wife and I are blessed with two. A four-year-old granddaughter and a two-year-old grandson. They are both amazing and despite exhausting papa on every visit, this old papa enjoys nothing more. Yet sometimes being a grandparent brings out the deepest worries. Then, in almost the same moment, the biggest joys in perspective. Such was yesterday. As I was working on some things around the house, my wife went shopping with our daughter-in-law and our two grandchildren. They had planned on shopping earlier, but when my granddaughter heard they were going …

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Trump’s Catch-22 2022 Part II

Yesterday America voted and they voted for the most part against President Trump’s candidates. Besides that Ron DeSantis won big in Florida. With those two facts, the resurrection of a Trump presidency may have been dealt its final blow. However, as I noted before, Trump should still hold out hope that his candidate in Georgia, Herschel Walker, loses. Yes, I said, Trump needs desperately for Walker to lose. Again, it’s Trump’s catch-22. First, a Walker loss is the only path for Trump to not be forced out of his limelight. With a win, there is a good chance that the Republicans will secure the Senate. And as I said before, if Mitch McConnell is again the senate majority leader, he …

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My Blood Red Moon Election Prediction

America Further Divides Itself Good morning, America. The Blood Red Moon has disappeared from the sky above and the polls are open. My day looks to be a beautiful one here in the south. So here’s to a pretty day filled with hope. I think I’ll enjoy it while I can. I think I will turn off the news and do something useful. In other words, nothing at all. I need to recharge myself as I prepare to watch America do what we do best – make our divisions worse. As I prepped for writing about this election cycle, I found a great tool for accessing where we stand politically in America. It’s called the Bipartisan Index and it’s at …

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Trumps Catch-22 in 2022

Helping the GOP to kill his hopes As this election kicks off in earnest this morning, I had an odd realization. Former President Trump may be unwittingly sabotaging his own chances of securing the Republican nomination in 2024. I know it sounds crazy as he is appearing at all the rallies to help GOP candidates. But with the GOP in charge of the Senate and the House, will they need Trump to come to the rescue? Will a Mitch McConnell leadership back in the Senate help push Trump out of the GOP’s future? Will a DeSantis win help bolster the Florida governor hopes for 2024? Will a DeSantis blowout make him the GOP’s new heir apparent? Makes you wonder. But …

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The Politicians Who Voted Against Vets

Maybe Return the Favor This last year, one of the most important pieces of veterans’ legislation was passed into law and signed by President Biden.  The Pact Act finally made it easier for veterans to get compensation and care for various diseases that resulted from their military service.  The legislation also allowed family members to also seek compensation for their exposures as well.  Yet some politicians felt the need to turn their backs on veterans and their families and vote against the bill.  Maybe it’s time for veterans to return the favor. In the Senate: Mike Crapo (R, ID)Rand Paul (R, KY)James Lankford (R, OK)Mike Lee (R, UT) In the House: Gary Palmer (R, AL)Mike Rogers (R, AL)Mo Brooks (R, …

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A Blood Red Moon Covid Report

It’s Election Morning in America.  It’s a midterm.  Between the flu, RSV, and Covid, America is once again sick and seeing more school closing.  The day is beginning with the last blood-red moon until 2025.  Omen or not, today and the next few months will determine many paths, including the public health response and the trajectory of illness and death as we try to get our health and lives back.  And when I look at the numbers, I am both hopeful and yet concerned.  I am concerned we have lost focus and we are about to face yet one more wave.  A small wave, but any wave just adds to the needless deaths that have come from our handling of …

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