Congress Manages to do the Bare Minimum

It’s a Christmas Miracle Shocking. Absolutely amazing. Greatest day ever. Congress Finally manages to perform the unthinkable. Congress actually managed to do their bare minimum of responsibility finally – they passed the budget. Now, don’t take this the wrong way. It doesn’t mean the budget is any good. It doesn’t mean they accomplished this feat without their usual useless drama. It doesn’t mean the right priorities were addressed. It doesn’t mean the pork wasn’t served up like monopoly money. It doesn’t mean they even read what they passed. No, as I said, they did the absolute minimum amount of work required to keep the country afloat. Of course, they did it at a breakneck speed over the course of a …

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My Personal Covid Adventure

The Final Entry – At Least for Now? I think I am finally over covid. At least the acute phase. And at least for now. Now I just wish I felt better. Friday I tried to get a follow-up test at the VA to see if I was done. They no longer do any more tests after you test positive. For the most part, it seems that the assumption is that after you seem well you are well. Yesterday I began to feel bad again. It’s been almost two weeks since I tested positive and about a week since I finished the Paxlovid. I was feeling ok until then. I was still tired but I at least felt good. Then …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Days 10&11

Out of the woods! Still exhausted! The last two days have been better. I am still exhausted and I have a cough and some mild congestion. But I think I might be done. So I am slowly returning to normal. I am still cleaning and limiting interactions – masking when out of the house or around anyone else. But again better. The only thing I wish I knew is which variant I had. That would be helpful. If it’s the newest one then I will have some time until I have to seriously worry about the next new one. Of course, if it’s not the newest and grooviest of the covids, then I will just have to still play it …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 9

Let the sanitizing begin. Closer to normal? Me, probably never Another long night of sleep after a long day of exhaustion. I woke up once very nauseated but was able to get back to sleep. Yesterday between the tired stages, I was able to slowly put ornaments on the tree. And even that was tiring. I think it might be a bit longer before I’m ready to run a marathon or walk around the block. The symptoms I’m having now are a little less but in some ways changing. No fever and just general mild aches. Some intermittent headaches. Some nasal congestion but that’s a norm for me in the winter. The odd ones are that my hearing is worse …

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Get the Jab or Face the Consequences

Military Vaccinations are Not a Political Issue Exemption, NJP, Restriction, Court Martial, or Discharge. Or simply roll up your sleeve and get the jab. These are the options that face about 3% of service members who have not gotten the covid jab. I pray they make the right choice and choose the jab if they cannot get an exemption. After all, it is about protecting more than themselves. It is about protecting their unit to protect the mission to protect the United States of America. To not get the protection that a vaccine can provide is, in fact, an act of dishonor and disrespect to their fellow members who have done the right thing. As a Navy Corpsman, I faced …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 8

Is It Safe to Come Out of Isolation? Maybe. It’s 9 am here and I am almost awake. At least I think so. My brain still feels like the cobwebs of the night are tangled within the neuron strands. They are preventing me from thinking too hard, if at all. One side of my head feels a little different than the other. But I can’t tell what is going on. But I don’t feel too ill. So that’s a plus. I have finished the last of the horse pills that are Paxlovid. Yeah. So hopefully I am done with treatments and am into the recovery phase of this disease process. Until I went through this myself, I really didn’t understand …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 7

A Break to the End? Last night I slept another nine hours. That after resting a good part of yesterday. Playing with covid is tiring work. It’s been the hardest thing for me so far. For that I’m thankful. But when I’m used to sleeping 6-7 hours a night and having some energy, this additional downtime is a real killer. The good news is that I woke up without a fever. Hallelujah. I did have a headache this morning, but a little Tylenol and it went away. I have tried to use the time that I am not resting for some productivity, but that’s more wishful hoping than reality. I have done some work cleaning out emails and organizing research. …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 6

Better Maybe…Maybe Not Day 6 was like the groundhogs day of day 5. A slight fever. Some more aches. And a lot of being exhausted. Two more doses of three horse pills each. A lot of fluid and a lot of downtime. Read and sleep. Cough and ache. Sweat and shiver. In bed. In a chair. A little of this and not a lot of anything. A sort of brain fog makes everything a bit slower, but oxygen saturation is still good and my wife hasn’t run to safer ground. So all is good. As I look over the changing tide of covid around me through data and news reports, it is clear the next ripple is upon us. I …

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My Personal Covid Adventure – Day 5

And let the Aches Begin More tired. Slept eight full hours – generic version of nyquil induced. Got up and stumbled around a bit feeling worse. Back to bed and slept another couple of hours. Awake again, at least my eyes are open. My brain seems to work in fits and starts, but at least I can still manage a few words here. Maybe after I’m fully awake without brain freeze, I won’t be too embarrassed about what I write. First fever this morning. Not much. 98.9. Since I generally run in the mid 97s, this seems like a firestorm to me. Tylenol and we’ll see from there. Fourth of ten doses of Paxlovid in me now. Three horse pills …

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