Russian Roulette with the Debt Cliff

Best case scenario – Congress and Senate might get bill to President with 3 days to go before default It’s Saturday morning, May 27, 2023. As I look at my news feed, Fox News is reporting that the debt ceiling deal is falling apart. This isn’t much of surprise. Negotiations are always falling apart in DC. As my computer programming son would say, “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. However, the real problem reveals itself in actually reading the article. Oh how sometimes I forget how crazy DC is. The issue is there are only 8-9 days to go before America falls off the self-imposed financial cliff. So plenty of time – at least in the real world. However …

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Quick Lock the Door

What to do when the House leaves the House Have you ever had a house guest overstay their welcome? You know the one. They take over your house. Before you let them in they seem respectful and gracious and you can’t wait to spend some time with them. The first few days are just as you imagined. They are quite good guests. But by the end of the first week, things begin to change. They begin to act as if your house is now exclusively theirs. They take over every crevice. They begin to no longer listen to you or care about your needs. They begin making decisions about your money and life that in the end ruin your finances and cause fights …

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Congress’ Festival of Financial Frivolity

The One Month Anniversary of Holding the World Hostage Hooray. Congressional Republicans are holding their ground. Horray. Congressional Republicans are trying to address the budget deficit. Hooray. Congressional Republicans are staying the course. Hooray. Congressional Republicans course is right off a cliff! Welcome to the one month anniversary of the the United States Congress taking the United States budget, government and the American public hostage. Welcome to the celebration of the future of payments to the military, seniors, and veterans being held up almost at gun point. Welcome to the culmination of Congressional craziness that is the American government. Welcome to the Festival of Financial Frivolity! With only a few days to go before the United States has to decide …

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2023 The Year I Became Old

It’s after 8 am on a beautiful May morning.  The sun is shining over the 10th green across the small pond from my back deck.  The day promises to be one of those days perfect for golf.  With a temperature in the mid-70s, low humidity, and dry conditions, I can almost envision myself on the course.  Of course, that’s the rub.  I can ALMOST see myself on the golf course.  The truth is that between my body aches and my continued tiredness, I can think of nothing harder than to put my clubs in the car and drive less than a mile to the course and then subject myself to the torture of trying to get my body to work …

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