What Do Republicans and Kindergarterners Have in Common – Recess!!

Have a vote. Lose the vote. Adjorn for Recess. Rinse. Repeat. It’s crazy that I always thought that politicians and two year olds have a lot in common. Bickering over nothing. Whinning about everything. Hurt when they don’t get their way. Throwing a tantrum just because. But I at least give the two year olds credit. They aren’t old enough to know better. Politicians will never get old enough to know any better. Just look at some of our elder “statesmen” now. Yet right now, it seems that the Congressional Republicans have decided that they want to go back in time once again. Back to a better time in their lives. Back to when life was good and the future …

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President Kevin McCarthy?

Take that Mark Gaetz Today, Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy suffered one of the most important defeats of his career. He became the only American Speaker ever ousted. Yet at his press conference, the former speaker may have laid out the groundwork for his future. He may have just set up one of the quickest resurrections in political history. Former Speaker McCarthy may have just laid the first bricks for a run at the Republican Presidential nomination and the presidency. In 2024, could we be calling him President Kevin McCarthy? Watching the presser, Kevin McCarthy showed that he literally may have been the real adult in the Clown College of Congress. He might not actually have been. I’m pretty sure there …

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