More Southern Snow
It’s 6 am here. The sky is clear and the moon shines ever so softly on the five inches of pillowy soft blanket on my deck. It’s beauty hids the reality that it is twelve degrees with a windchill of five. But for me, I just sit here with a cup of coffee enjoy the silent peaceful blanket undisturbed by anything. The world for at least this moment is frozen in quiet bliss.

My wife, the foundation of my life, sleeps in the next room. The ashes of last night’s fire await a renewal for the soft glow of its warmth to fill the room once again. The kitchen is clean and awaiting the smells of the new soup to fill our nostrils again.
The rest of the family, here in Memphis and in New York, are all safe and sheltered from the cold. They have heat, food and each other. The will rest and relax today as they keep warm. They may even reflect on life as today is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.
But for the most part, today will be a day to enjoy the peaceful scene of snow. Today will be a day under a peaceful cold blanket of southern snow. It’s a day to cherish. Peace and beauty are rare these days. It’s therefor a day not to take for granted.
It is a day to choose joy.