C. D. Agrabrite is a penname for an introvert who loves to write and wants to be part of the discussions of the world yet be left alone. After all, I have too little time left in this world to waste it.
I’m also known as “The Chief.” This is because C. D. Agrabrite is a retired, disabled Navy Chief Hospital Corpsman with experience in public health and as a primary care provider. As a person, The Chief would love to remain anonymous and under the radar. As a private introvert, The Chief would love to spend his valuable time working on his projects (like his websites), writing, and enjoying his family, especially his great wife, his adult children, and the creatures who have stolen his heart – they call them grandchildren, of course.
So for now, I am trying to catch up on getting out decades of past writing, writing anew, and spending time loving life with my family in the Memphis, TN area after traveling the world.
My writings include some fiction and some non-fiction. Some of my non-fiction will include a lot of opinions, of which I have a million. They come from my ego, which is the size of the universe and ever-expanding. But at least I’m gracious enough to share them.
The Chief is also a stat freak, which is what drove him to develop or work on some statistical modeling sites. This love of numbers began when he was just ten years old following his beloved Braves, especially Hammering Hank. For most of his life, The Chief has dabbled in his stats in different ways and for different purposes. From working out medical supply and personnel issues to predicting the NCAA Final Four. The Chief even finished second in one national tournament pool using his modeling and would have won it all had he stuck to picking the data instead of two picks from his heart. What can I say, sometimes even the best of us just ignore the numbers.
I also have an interest in politics and religion, you know the things you are never supposed to talk about but always do.
That’s it for now. As I get more comfortable with being out here in the world outside my head, maybe I’ll share more. But for now, I have some writing to do.