Go Tigers Go!
It’s 20 minutes to kick. It’s hot as he’ll so perfect Memphis football weather. We can’t play unless we’re all melting together.
Hopefully, it will also give us a bit of an advantage against Boise St. Hopefully they’ll melt a little more than us.
Tiger Lane is crowded. Tiger fans are filing in. Here’s to hoping for a great Tigers’ win. And some good ole Memphis football. It ain’t pretty but it is fun.
10 minutes to go to kickoff
Once again my wife opines that the Alma mater song should be I’m so glad I go to the UofM. My only thought is I miss Tom the Tiger. Unfortunately my wife won’t let me get my own Tom. I’m sure my grandkids would help take care of him. What could go wrong?
2nd quarter 11:41
I’m so confused. It’s like the offense is designed to go nowhere and nowhere fast. Then a miscues on a kickoff return. Down at own 6. Help!!
Had to leave the game. Too hot for the Mrs. Her meds are not made for the heat. However, we did get to make it home in time to see the second of two TDs to close the half only down three, 17-14. I’ll take it considering.
Also got to hear an honest college coach. Basically Silverfield said we were awful for the first 20 minutes of the game in all phases. But we finally woke up. Hopefully we stay awake for the rest of the game.
Scoop N Score
Wow! I was just telling the wife we need a pick 6. So as not to be too picky I’ll take the Scoop N Score. Tigers 21-17. Let’s go D. Need to get ready for 4th.
11:16 to go – 59 yards for TD! Guess we are awake now. Now just need to keep it up. No let down.
Then a big miscues on D. And the Boise TD and successful 2 pts.
Now the run and go to try to run the clock and score. Let’s go Tigers.
A Miracle – Memphis gets a call
With 2:14 to go, Watson scores and loses the ball. As we all hold our breath knowing our record with refs, we can all imagine the call going against the Tigers. It’s just what happens. Then the miracle of the moment. Memphis gets a favorable call. Unbelievable. Tigers 35-25! Go Tigers Go!
Tigers Hang On!
Tigers play prevent D and of course that protected nothing. Boise scores. But the Tigers hold on to the onside kick and hang on! Go Tigers Go!
Side Notes
- Before the game, I it was noted that Memphis doesn’t cover at home and Boise doesn’t cover on the road. The only way both of those things stay true to form, Memphis needed to win by exactly 3. Crazy!
- Got to see a sideline proposal. Luckily she said “Yes.” Could you imagine? Fun event.
- For anyone needing UNSWEET tea, there is a father/daughter small booth around the student section area. For my wife, a must! They help me look good!
- Of course, my wife apologized for us having to leave. And of course there are few things more important than Tigers sports – her most of all. So if you hear a lot of yelling in your head, it’s just me screaming from my couch.
Zebra’s Got to Love Them
In case you missed the kick that put us on the one yard line, I have to hand it to the refs. When they were wrong, they didn’t waiver from that position. Not even an inch.