“Back to Church: A Trump-Free Zone (Thank God!)”

After years of faithfully (or maybe not so faithfully) staying away from organized religion, we decided to brave our return the Sunday before the Trump inauguration. Picture this: a medium-sized Southern Baptist church, the air thick with anticipation and reservations.  Or maybe it was just the scent of coffee and donuts in the sanctuary, a sight and smell my old body hadn’t accepted in modern church services.  We had reservations since we half expected a full-blown Trump rally disguised as a worship service, complete with fervent prayers for the “chosen one.”  That kind of service was one of the reasons we had left the church for some time. To our immense relief, it wasn’t. To be honest, my apprehension about …

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Tigers Take from the Cheap Seats

Reality is still setting in As I finish my statistical review of the Tigers loss to Rice, the story told is not a pretty one.  The Memphis Tigers continue to slip into their new role as a mediocre team in a mediocre conference.  It’s a painful reality that will be hard to face but needs to be addressed and hopefully overcome.  After all, this team is still too talent to go down in flames never to rise from the ashes again.  So, here’s hoping for the old team to show up on Saturday against Wichita State.  As usual, if you hear a crazy man scream from the cheap seats, it will likely be me. GTG!! Memphis lost because of all …

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Simple Truths Biting the Tigers

Pinch me and help me out of this nightmare run As I am still trying to absorb the stunning loss of the Memphis Tigers to Rice, I am facing some simple truths biting the Tigers. I am also still coming to grips with not being shocked at this loss, one described by one observer as one of the worst losses in program history.  Not sure what that says about me or the program, but it just another simple truth biting the Tigers – like so many this season. At times the Tigers can’t hit a three-pointer.  And in this game, it was the make-or-break stat.  Yet if the Tigers had abandoned their three-point funk and focused on quality twos, they …

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Come On New Hampshire, America Needs a Win

Even if it is Nikki Hailey Well, it’s primary day in New Hampshire. Last night, the first six votes in the New Hampshire went to Nikki Hailey. I’m sure she was thrilled as were Democrats, anti-Trumpers, and just about anyone who doesn’t want to see a Trump/Biden rematch. Of course with Trump’s double digit lead in the polls, it will be a tough ask to think that Hailey can prevail. But ask I will. With this first primary the other odd thing is that Joe Biden isn’t on the ballot. In a political middle school fight among the Democrats, Joe couldn’t appear on the ballot and not upset South Carolina and the Democratic Party. So now his New Hampshire fate …

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Grand Night with Grandkids

Life is so much greater as a grandparent Last night was another magical visit from the grandchildren. You never know how much it means to be a grandparent until you are one. As for me, I love it. With them I am Papa, yet I am more like one of them than I am anything else. That and a giant play toy and entertainer extraordinaire. When they are around, it is not my job to babysit or discipline (unless utterly necessary). It is my job to let them be kids and to be one with them. It is the perfect combination. Last night’s short adventure was making a tent in the living room. Making a small complex marble run and …

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Breakfast in Bed for the Better Half

Menu idea and file available Every now and then I try to do something nice for my wife. Emphasis of the “every now and then” despite the fact she deserves it daily. Hourly, if I’m trying to make up for all the times I should have done it in the past. But that’s another story for another day. One of her favorites is breakfast in bed. Since she babysits our grandchildren at their place and she’s always busy, this is a rare treat I get to give her. Today, I decide to make and share a menu for anyone to use with a download button for the Word document to customize for yourself. The original template for the file came …

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Blessed by a Snow Bubble

Isolated from the World Catching Up Day 5 of almost total isolation from the world. The snow that blankets the Memphis area has led to the ice that covers much of its roads. I can hear the world still moving out on the major highway, but on my street it is quiet. Very few cars pass. No one comes to the door unannounced. The fireplace is roaring with a peaceful warmth although the heat works fine. Water comes from the faucet. My wife joins me in the quiet of the room. She reads. I work. I am now isolated from the world catching up. I am for now blessed by a snow bubble. Of course, I am also blessed in …

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Tigers Tame Themselves

Dishearted But Not Surrendering My beloved Memphis Tigers surrendered a twenty point lead to USF as my son and I exchanged WTF texts to each other. As a season ticker holder, it was a rare time when I watched them play on TV. Damn ice. Yet it was also a chance to verify what I thought I was seeing from the cheap seats in the FedEx Forum. And it was in Penny finally airing the team’s issues that made me realize that, yes, we have a problem. The fact that we have a problem in Memphis is not that hard to believe. It’s part of our makeup, no matter who is coaching. No matter what year it is. No matter …

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Congress Saves the Day – From Itself

Another Budget Kicks The Budget Can Down the Driveway Good morning, America. Today in honor of the heroic efforts of Congress, they have deservedly taken the day off. But after their less-than-ordinary show in leadership, Congress saves the day – from itself. And now these courageous patriots are fleeing the onslaught of snow and running home. Yet Americans can celebrate the fact that they have at least risen to this low bar. We can all breathe a sigh of relief. Another government shutdown has been averted. At least for a little over a month. But take heart, they have only fled DC and the snow. After all, it is Congress staying to do their jobs that maybe we should fear …

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Webbing Surrounds My Brain

Even coffee isn’t curing this morning’s brain fog Another morning, another day of brain fog to start. But today is different. Today I can tell that the tentacles of whatever now controls my brain has made some new in roads. It was a struggle to get out of the bed. Not for lack of physical strength or desire. It was just due to the inability to think as to how I will begin the day. Now up and moving, a cup of coffee next to me, I am hoping to salvage the day. It is almost 11:30 am and for an early riser, the best parts of the day have now passed. So it will be interesting to see what …

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