Living Forever Because My Granddaughter Says So

The other day, I began the day feeling old – closer to 70 than I had been the year before. Yet I also seem to be younger than my peers. Despite all my medical issues, I have been able to manage some household chores and even do some minor projects. I can also almost keep up with my two young grandchildren when I get to see them. Remind you, I said almost, and that is being generous. However, by the end of the day, I just felt ancient, thanks to my granddaughter. As I help put her and her brother into their car seats, my granddaughter grabs my arm and tells me to get into the car. She says I …

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Grandkids – The Reason I Keep Pounding on the Keyboard

Running faster than lightning across a field. Chasing a squirrel. Watching the ducks on the pond. Shooting whirligigs into the air. Making homemade pizza and the mess that goes with them. Reading Dr. Seuss at the dinner table. Enjoying another visit with the grandkids – a moment of what life should be. A reminder of why I write. As I write each day, I sometimes forget why I write social commentary. Sometimes I get lost in moments of frustration. Sometimes I lose my focus on my writing’s purpose. Sometimes I wander into the fight without a clue of why I fight. Then I get to see my grandchildren. They remind me of why I, even in retirement, still care about …

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