Get the Jab or Face the Consequences

Military Vaccinations are Not a Political Issue Exemption, NJP, Restriction, Court Martial, or Discharge. Or simply roll up your sleeve and get the jab. These are the options that face about 3% of service members who have not gotten the covid jab. I pray they make the right choice and choose the jab if they cannot get an exemption. After all, it is about protecting more than themselves. It is about protecting their unit to protect the mission to protect the United States of America. To not get the protection that a vaccine can provide is, in fact, an act of dishonor and disrespect to their fellow members who have done the right thing. As a Navy Corpsman, I faced …

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Mommy, I Want to Stay Home

How America Labor is Quitting for a Better Life It’s Monday morning, and the alarm goes off.  That screeching sound forces you to peek out from under your covers, even if it’s only so that you can take careful aim at the snooze button.  You smack it hard.  You do not care if you permanently kill it as long as there is silence in your bedroom.  You smile with satisfaction when that offensive sound is gone.  You bury your head back under your pillow.  For five more minutes, you can pretend you can stay in bed.  For five more minutes, you can pretend your mother has given you permission to stay home. At any one point in our young lives, …

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