In Iowa, Trump Wins

Or Did He?

With single digit temperatures and below zero wind chills, the brave people of Iowa went bounding into the frozne tundra of politics to give Trump a big win. Yet was it as big a win as we all think it is? From my warm house with a nice fire, I can contemplate this a little more. In truth, I think the Iowa vote will show to be a harbringer of things not so great for the Chosen One.

First, the barely 110,000 caucus goers is far from a strong showing of support. Although I have to admit, the fact that 110,000 people showed up is a great testimony to the heart of Iowans. Yet personally I know of a few people who stayed home because of several reasons. First, it was too damn cold. Second, they didn’t think their vote would count since Trump was going to win regardless. Thirdy, they are just as fed up with the lack of sane choices for the presidency.

Second, the fact that the total alternatives to Trump came in at just under 50% makes the no shows even stronger. And point to the possibility that Trump will not win as easily after those fightiing for second become just one force. With New Hampshire and then South Carolina on the map soon, the impression of a Trump runaway may soon change.

Third, New Hampshire is a quirky state. It can make or break a campaign. Or New Hampshire can just be almost as irrelevant as Iowa might be. With Trump polling at just 43% and Hayley over 30%, the race could tighten up considerably. We will have to wait for January 23rd to find out.

Fourth, New Hampshire will lead us into South Carolina. Although Trump is over the 50% mark there now, New Hampshire and Iowa will change some of that. How much and in what direction will begin to show in the new polling data in the coming week.

Finally, the Trump trials will begin to heat up the press more and more. And despite the old saying that any publicity is good publicity, politics is generally the exception to the rule.

In summary, yeah, Trump won Iowa. But the win wasn’t as convincing as many expected. Additionally, many Americans, yours included, is not in the mood for a 2020 rematch. So even if only one candidate can change, maybe America can vote for a change. And right now, it appears with Joe Biden running essentially unopposed, the only hope we have of a change is a different Republican ticket. I just with the Democrats could also offer us a new hope.

For now, it’s a Trump/Biden rematch. It’s almost carved in stone. It will be up to “we the people” to try to change that – peacefully, in the poll booth.

Choose joy and have hope.