My Other Sites

Sites that are mine or I assist with

The Seed Report

The Seed Report is a multi-year project that involves several different people uniting for one purpose – the search for the perfect NCAA bracket.

The Angry Vet

The Angry Vet is a blog that will focuses on veteran and military issues. I will try to keep it limited to these areas because I could never keep up with one of these areas, much less both. The posts will be primarily short and on point. I will also try to suggest changes or improvements when I can think of some. After all, anyone can complain.

At present, beside opinions and general info, the site contains information on:

Covid With Lime

Covid with Lime is currently not being updated.

Covid with lime is a simple site with a simple mission.   The goal is to provide a simple linear prediction model that tells America’s covid story in numbers. Essentially where we as a nation are now and where we might be in the next few months.  

The key data on this site will be on each state’s page. On those pages, you will find the following:

  • A heading with the key data for the state
  • A summary with a short table description of the state’s data.
  • A copy of the state’s Covid Act Now status
  • The state’s status table
  • A prediction table for where the state and predicted to go
  • A look at how the state matches up with federal covid targets
  • The state’s Projection Summary with other summary data

Covid With Lime also has some special pages:
Covid the Politician – A State Covid Grade Summary
Covid What If’s – What if we all did as well as Georgia, Florida, or California.
How would it look now?