The Final Entry – At Least for Now?
I think I am finally over covid. At least the acute phase. And at least for now. Now I just wish I felt better.
Friday I tried to get a follow-up test at the VA to see if I was done. They no longer do any more tests after you test positive. For the most part, it seems that the assumption is that after you seem well you are well.
Yesterday I began to feel bad again. It’s been almost two weeks since I tested positive and about a week since I finished the Paxlovid. I was feeling ok until then. I was still tired but I at least felt good. Then last night I just felt like I was getting a cold. I began to ache, feel cold, and have some chills. I went to bed early and slept for almost ten hours. This morning I am again feeling ok. So we’ll see, but I think this is over for now.
Of course, I say that it is over for now knowing that the pandemic isn’t, new variants are going to arise, and we will probably at one point have to accept that covid is here to stay in one form or another. I know many people have come to that conclusion already and have accepted that as a fact. Many others have also stated that for most people covid is not that bad. However, these people are just looking at the short-term issues of covid, like being sick and maybe dying. They aren’t accepting the fact that it is proven that even if you don’t die, covid can cause damage to parts of the body. So we’ll have to see how this will all play out.
With the change in China’s covid policy beginning, the “see how this will all play out” scenario will again be a bigger what’s next issue. Again, if one estimate is right, we will soon see as many new cases in the short term as all the pandemic up to this point. This should give us a pause to reflect on what to do next even as the US covid numbers are once again beginning to rise. Again, we will just have to see how this all plays out.
As always, I will again choose joy. I pray that you can choose the same.
Note: also posted at Covid with Lime.