Paxlovid to the Rescue?
As I got up this morning, my nose was leaking like a bad faucet. My head was fuller than usual. Full of what I don’t know since the brain inside the head is not working at peak performance. My body ached, but not too much more than this old body aches every day. So overall, day 4 seems to be heading off to a good start for having covid.
Yesterday I got in touch with my primary care doctor’s staff to give them the lay of the land. For the first time in a long time, I got a pretty quick reply back. Take some over-the-counter meds and he was going to call in a prescription for Paxlovid. With being immunocompromised, he figured we’d better fight this thing off before it has a chance to take on what little protection my body can mount even with being fully vaccinated.
My wife picked up the Paxlovid after she was done babysitting the grandkids. She was finally able to get a test at the local Kroger’s Little Clinic. They were extremely nice and even performed the test while she waited. The great news is that she was negative. So thank God for that one. I pray she stays that way.
Last night I took the first dose of Paxlovid. I’m not sure how that is supposed to make you feel initially, but my head felt like it was getting fuller and giving me a slight headache.
This morning I noticed that my taste buds are not as good as they used to be. It’s not that I have lost the sense of taste. It’s more that nothing tastes like my brain thinks it should. Very strange. Paxlovid or covid or a combination – who knows?
Today I’ll keep trying to stay hydrated and rest more. I am very sleepy and not able to focus that well on other projects, such as some writing I need to do. But there are many mindless things you can do in the world. So I can still weed out old emails and files. Who knows maybe I’ll get rid of enough stuff in this fog state that I come out a little saner.
But as usual, I remain thankful. I continue to be stable in my illness. I have not driven my wife crazy enough to ban me to my separate space forever. And I still have family checking up on me often. So all in all, I continue to be truly blessed.
Choose joy and stay safe and well.
Note: also posted at Covid with Lime.