Simple Truths Biting the Tigers

Pinch me and help me out of this nightmare run

As I am still trying to absorb the stunning loss of the Memphis Tigers to Rice, I am facing some simple truths biting the Tigers. I am also still coming to grips with not being shocked at this loss, one described by one observer as one of the worst losses in program history.  Not sure what that says about me or the program, but it just another simple truth biting the Tigers – like so many this season.

At times the Tigers can’t hit a three-pointer.  And in this game, it was the make-or-break stat.  Yet if the Tigers had abandoned their three-point funk and focused on quality twos, they could have taken fewer threes and made fewer probably costing maybe one of those threes.  They could have then taken more twos that would have given them 6-8 more points from within the arc.  The net would have been a 3 to 5 point difference.  This could have given the Tigers a win and probably by more than just a few points as they would not have had to foul during the waning minutes.  

Unfortunately, this process would not have addressed the Tigers continued other problems even if it would have salvaged another too close to believe win.  The Tigers’ problems seem to be much more deeply rooted than any one solution that can be hammered out in a strategy adjustment.  The problems seem to be multi-faceted and toxic.  What exactly those problems seem to be a team chemistry is leading to a meltdown.  It’s been evident that something has been amiss long before this four-game skid.  Even from my cheap seats in the FedEx Forum, you can see it.  Even in the watching you can feel the tension of a team that is focused more on personal fights than fighting the opponent on the court.

I’m not sure what to make of it all.  Statistically and logically this Tigers team is still a team that should be skating toward an NCAA berth and maybe even a Sweet Sixteen run.  The players should be using these games to prepare themselves and the team for that run.   Some of them should also be learning to be better players and better teammates in order to make their earning future look brighter.  Instead, they seem to be determined to go from draft picks to G-Leaguers to maybe Euro team vagabonds.  Or maybe, they just may be looking for the exit to this season and the locker room they can no longer stand to be part of. 

As a diehard Tigers fan, I hope they can find a way to coalesce into a team regardless of their personal feelings.  It will be difficult, but it can be done.  After what is being called one of the worst losses in program history, maybe the team will get the wake up call they need.  There is still time.  And as a diehard Tigers fan, I know it will happen.  Why?  Because I have no choice but to believe.  They are after all, my team.

And as always, choose joy, even in losing.