Today, as I begin to put together this blog, I’m sitting at my dining room table watching the next snow event. It is sitting here that I realize how blessed and fortunate I am.
I’m overlooking my deck which overlooks a pond.
A squirrel is invading the bird feeder. When I put it up, I didn’t think about how easy it would be for him to fend off the birds and take over their feeding spot. He is reaching his body across the divide between the deck railing and the feeder. Stretched like a pelt suspended on a line, he hangs onto the feeder while he eats. At least until he’s about to lose his grip. Then he has one of two choices. Hang his entire body underneath the feeder. Or retrieve a bit of food and take it back to his perch on the rail.
He prefers to hang. It allows him the ability to be close to the food. But he soon finds himself slipping. Feverishly he has to dive back off the feeder or fall the five feet to the ground. He then sits there and tried to extend himself out again to the feeder. Back feet on the railing. One front foot on the feeder. Then one back foot on the railing and two front ones on the feeder. And then another attempt to hang on the feeder. And then another fall. Rise. Repeat. Until he finally does fall. Then he finally scampers off until the next attempt.
The birds love it when he finally falls. Then they can just fight each other over the four ledges of the bird feeder.
The pond is now just about solid ice. Over the last few days, I’ve watched as I write. The first edges of the ice formed a few tentacles along the pond’s banks. Then a few ice floats appeared. Slowly more and more ice developed each piece trying to reach out to join the pieces scattered around the pond. Finally two days ago they all married up. Then the deepening of that marriage began. The ices depth could be seen to grow as its became less and less transparent.
In my house, I watch this perfect view of nature. I watch it in comfort. I am not out in the weather myself. I am not sleeping in a small tent on a military maneuver as I have many times in my life. I am not watching from the frozen deck of a ship in the North Atlantic. I am warm. I am comfortable.
I am not in the cold, homeless and wondering where my next meal or shower will come from. I am fed. I am secure.
I am not without heat. I am as warm as I want my house to be. I am able to start a fire in my fireplace.
Yes, I am blessed in many ways.
I have a good home with a great view.
I have a fantastic wife who loves me.
I have three great children, each who has become good men, mainly due to their mother, I have to admit.
One son has a great wife and two fantastic grandchildren for grandpa to spoil rotten.
Another son lives with his girlfriend of many years, living their of work and adventuring around the world.
Yes, I am blessed.
I pray in your own way, you are too. If not, I pray the blessing of a good life finds you and finds you soon.
Choose Joy.